
May 26th, 2023

Felipe Riesco and Pilar Gonzalez present on Green Taxes and Tax Reform in Dialogues held by the Finance Ministry


Felipe Riesco, partner of the Public, Regulatory and Environmental Law practice area, and Pilar González, Director of the Tax practice area of Barros Silva Varela & Vigil, participated in the Dialogues for a Tax Pact, convened by the Ministry of Finance, where they presented on Green Taxes in the context of the Tax Reform.

The objective of these dialogues is to propose the guidelines for the new architecture of the tax system, so that technical mechanisms can be designed on the basis of these guidelines to serve as a basis for making the legal modifications.

Leaders of different social organisations and trade unions such as the Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC), the Central Unitary Workers' Union (CUT), SMEs, academics from the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH), civil society organisations, tax professionals and tax professionals were invited to these meetings.

We invite you to review his intervention here:

The aim of these dialogues is to propose the guidelines for the new architecture of the tax system, so that technical mechanisms can be designed to serve as a basis for legal modifications.


Felipe Riesco Eyzaguirre

Felipe Riesco Eyzaguirre
Pilar González Cofré

Pilar González Cofré
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