
October 16th, 2023

Beatriz Hevia, President of the Constitutional Council, talks to BSVV about the text and the challenges of the process.


In a new version of the traditional "Friday Talk", the President of the Constitutional Council, Beatriz Hevia, visited Barros Silva Varela & Vigil to talk with our lawyers about the current process and its main challenges.
The authority was received by the partners of the firm who highlighted the conduct of the process and keep the discussion to the legal argument.
The conversation had a very participative audience, enriching the level of the debate and where Hevia reiterated his effort to offer a "clean, serious and sober" text. He also said that "on December 17, civil society has a key role to play. Those who believe in this proposed text it is important that they disseminate it and that society mobilizes. It is necessary to be informed, read the text, generate an opinion and share it".
"We are proud and honored to be visited by the President of the Constitutional Council in our office. It is very enriching to exchange opinions, clear up doubts and get first-hand information on the legal debate that is taking place within the Council", said José Joaquín Silva, partner of BSVV.

Together with the lawyers of BSVV, they reflected on the role that a Constitution should play and highlighted Hevia’s efforts to lead a serious and sober process, attached to the legal discussion.


José Joaquín Silva Irarrázaval

José Joaquín Silva Irarrázaval
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